Fork Seal Doctor-Accesories-Movetronix Shop - Special motorbike products & accessories
  • Fork Seal Doctor-Accesories-Movetronix Shop - Special motorbike products & accessories
  • Fork Seal Doctor-Accesories-Movetronix Shop - Special motorbike products & accessories
  • Fork Seal Doctor-Accesories-Movetronix Shop - Special motorbike products & accessories
Fork Seal Doctor
  • Fork Seal Doctor
  • Fork Seal Doctor
  • Fork Seal Doctor

Fork Seal Doctor


Prevents and cleans your leaking fork in seconds!


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Just Snap on and twist

Long-Life Guarantee: Regular use of the Fork Doctor will extend the life of your fork

Fits all Full-sized Bikes Fork Diameter 35-55mm


Usage Instructions:

1 Gently pry the dust seal down carefully using a flat blade screwdriver, taking care not to damage the fork leg. Wipe away any visible dirt or water with a clean cloth.
2 Snap the Seal Doctor onto the fork leg with the oil symbol towards the oil seal. Slide the cleaning hook gently under the seal lip and rotate a full 360 in the direction shown. Using the lower hook, repeat for the dust seal.
3 Wipe the fork leg clean before pressing the dust seal back into position.
The Seal Doctor removes the dirt that causes leaky for seals, but always check fork leg for scratches, repair if necessary and replace damaged fork seals.

Disclaimer: The Fork Seal Doctor removes the dirt that causes forks to leak, however replace damages fork seals and always check if the fork leg is damaged or scratched.

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